Returns and Refund Policy

If you are unhappy with a product, please let us know and we will contact the producer immediately. It is the responsibility of the producer to produce and prepare food to a high standard of quality.

We strongly encourage you to check your order before you leave. On the rare occasion a product is missing from your order, please contact The Cottage Market Cavan Team on 087 7453651.

Our producer’s return and refund policy lasts 7 days. If 7 days have gone by since your date of collection or delivery, unfortunately, the producer can’t offer you a refund or replacement.

If for any reason a paid product is unavailable on delivery or collection day, the producer will offer a refund immediately.

Getting your refund:
If you are entitled to a refund, we will refund you on your payment card. Refunds usually take between 7 -10 working days as per our payment gateway, Stripe.