Ferments: Kombucha, Orange Boost 330mls NEW!


BOG BOY BOOCH: Kombucha is fermented tea, providing beneficial PROBIOTICS. Fragrant and refreshing – each week’s flavor is inspired by the herbs and fruits in season at that time. ( Flavour this week – orange, turmeric, black pepper.

Kombucha can promote healthy gut bacteria, supporting healthy digestion.
Shelf life: 4 weeks refrigerated. Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free. Suitable for all dietary needs.

Base ingredients – tea (oolong and black tea), organic cane sugar, water and Kombucha culture (scoby). Bog Boy Booch is a LIVING beverage…UNPASTEURIZED, UNFILTERED, containing all the goodness nature intended and full of Probiotics. . Can be enjoyed at any time of day.

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Joshua Dennis (BogBoy Booch, Chef by Day/Brewer by Night, Co. Monaghan)

Allergens: None

Packaging: Glass
✔️ Reusable
✔️ Returnable
✔️ Recyclable

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Vendor: BogBoy Booch

Company: BogBoy Booch

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